
Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Pumpkin Investigation!

A mysterious box showed up in Pre-K and we had to use our senses to figure out what was inside! 
We tried lifting...
And shaking...

And listening...

But no peeking!!!

We guessed it....a big orange pumpkin! We were very excited!
Let the carving begin!
Respectful audience of scientists!
Courtesy of a Pre-K photographer ;)

Time for investigating!
We discussed the meaning of our new vocabulary word, investigation!

We aren't so sure what to think of feeling the pulp and seeds!

Here is our Jack-O-Lantern!
Our Pumpkin Investigation chart with some of the pumpkin texts we read!

All smiles with our Jack-O-Lantern!

Interactive 5 Little Pumpkin poem! 

And for a pumpkin experiment...
Do pumpkins float or sink?
Big or small... they FLOAT....who knew?!?

That's a wrap for our Pumpkin Investigation!
We are now pumpkin experts!
Be sure to ask your child about the life cycle of a pumpkin, too!
Thanks for visiting!
Love, Pre-K :)

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