
Tuesday, February 21, 2017

All you need is LOVE!

We had a LOVEly time celebrating Valentine's Day!!! 
We LOVE each other in Pre-K and it sure shows!
Thanks to all who donated supplies and treats to make our Valentine's Day celebration a success!
Working on cutting and gluing for our special Valentine's Day project!

We hope you loved our handmade "I Love You To Pieces" hearts!!!
Prepping for our celebration! Decorating our valentine bags!

 Let the celebration begin!!!! 

SO many yummy treats!!!!

 Getting ready to hand out our valentines!

 SO much LOVE in Pre-K!

 My little LOVE BUGS!!!

 Passing our goodies...don't forget to say "Thank you!"

Smiles all around!!!! :)


Always having FUN!

Image result for the day it rained hearts
ONE of our favorite Valentine's Day books we read....
and it certainly rained hearts in Pre-K!

We learned that Valentine's Day is a day for friendship and we practice that every day in room 204!
Being a good friend means saying
"Please, thank you, I'm sorry or Do you want to play?"
We will continue working on being good friends every day! 
Being kind is what it's all about! 

Thanks for visiting The Pre-K Post!
Happy Valentine's Day!
I hope you had a wonderful break.
Spread Love!

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