
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish!

Day one of On the Loose with Dr. Seuss was a "Seuss-ess"! We read One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish, ate a special fish snack, worked on a math fish craft, graphed and read poems together! I can't wait to see what the rest of the week has in store for us!!! 

Image result for one fish two fish
Day 1

Three cheers for everyone remembering to wear red or blue!!!! 

 Graphing the color we wore....
Red AND blue had the most!!!!

A couple of creative family projects! We can't wait to see more!

A fun fish Math, Literacy and Art lesson!!!
How many fish do you have?
 Enjoying a fish snack!

 A Cat in the Hat poem we are learning! 
Look at all of our Dr. Seuss books!!!!!
We love to read! 
Thanks for joining the fun with "On the Loose with Dr. Seuss!"
Coming up....Day 2, Green Eggs and Ham!!!
Stay tuned.....

Sunday, February 26, 2017

This week, Dr. Seuss is on the Loose! Get ready for it!!!!

Here is the lineup for On the Loose with Dr. Seuss week! 
Image result for cat in the hat 
MONDAY, February 27th
In honor of One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish
Wear red or blue
TUESDAY, February 28th
In honor of Green Eggs and Ham,
           Wear the color green
WEDNESDAY, March 1st
In honor of Wacky Wednesday and Fox in Socks,
Let’s get silly - dress mixed up, backwards, inside out and be sure to wear crazy socks
THURSDAY, March 2nd
In honor of The Cat in the Hat,
Wear your favorite or crazy hat
FRIDAY, March 3rd
In honor of The Sleep Book,
Wear your pajamas (no slippers please)

Looking forward to a fun filled week!
Ms. Nelly and me on Wacky Wednesday! :)
  • March Family Project Due on or before Friday March 3rd
  • Be on the look our for information regarding March Parent Teacher Conferences
  • Check out some fun Dr. Seuss games on
  • Log in to at's a GREAT reading resource!!! If you need help, please let me know

Thank you! 

President's Day!

We got right back into the swing of things after our winter break and learned about President's Day! We read a very kid friendly President's Day book and watched a Scholastic video about Abraham Lincoln and George Washington. We wrapped up our lesson by making some cute (and funny) Abe and George puppets!

 After our puppets were finished, we practiced "Reading to Self". Read to Self is part of Daily 5 (a framework for literacy time...reading, writing, working independently) language which these little scholars will learn more about in Kindergarten! I'm introducing bit and pieces of Daily 5 this year, to get these kiddos prepared for Kindergarten!

Thanks for visiting The Pre-K Post....remember to check in weekly for important updates, reminders, photos, and Pre-K happenings!

Acts of Kindness

Our beautiful "Acts of Kindness" tree by Pre-K and Kindergarten displayed in the hallway!
This makes my heart so happy! <3 :)

Happy Birthday, Valeria!

We hope you have a fabulous year! Thanks for the delicious bday cake!

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

All you need is LOVE!

We had a LOVEly time celebrating Valentine's Day!!! 
We LOVE each other in Pre-K and it sure shows!
Thanks to all who donated supplies and treats to make our Valentine's Day celebration a success!
Working on cutting and gluing for our special Valentine's Day project!

We hope you loved our handmade "I Love You To Pieces" hearts!!!
Prepping for our celebration! Decorating our valentine bags!

 Let the celebration begin!!!! 

SO many yummy treats!!!!

 Getting ready to hand out our valentines!

 SO much LOVE in Pre-K!

 My little LOVE BUGS!!!

 Passing our goodies...don't forget to say "Thank you!"

Smiles all around!!!! :)


Always having FUN!

Image result for the day it rained hearts
ONE of our favorite Valentine's Day books we read....
and it certainly rained hearts in Pre-K!

We learned that Valentine's Day is a day for friendship and we practice that every day in room 204!
Being a good friend means saying
"Please, thank you, I'm sorry or Do you want to play?"
We will continue working on being good friends every day! 
Being kind is what it's all about! 

Thanks for visiting The Pre-K Post!
Happy Valentine's Day!
I hope you had a wonderful break.
Spread Love!