
Sunday, November 27, 2016

Fun Runnin'

The Fun Run was a huge success and it sure was FUN! Team Pre-K Rox really ROCKED the Fun Run! Don't let these little legs fool you....Pre-K ran a ton of laps!!!! Every student gave 110% and participated for the entire run. We not only ran our little hearts out, but also practiced good sportsmanship. Ms. Nelly, Mrs. Noel and I also did our best to run and cheer out little runners along, while keeping an eye on the class (and trying to snap a few pictures, as well)! I'm sure your mini athlete slept well that night! I sure did! ;) Thanks to those of you who came to volunteer and cheer us on and for those of you who could not make it....enjoy a few pics below!
Pep talk before our big run!
Snapped a quick picture with my nephew, Mikey, in K!
Getting ready!!!

My niece, Maggie, even came to cheer us on!

Thumbs up and a water break for Stevie!

We did it!!! 
 So happy to be a part of such a great experience! Proud of team Pre-K Rox!!!
Thanks for visiting The Pre-K Post and for participating in our fundraiser!


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