
Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Happy Birthday, Rodrigo!

We had a great time at Rodrigo's Birthday Celebration! Thank you for all of the yummy treats!
We hope you have the best year ever! xoxo Pre-K

Happy Birthday Rodrigo!

Sunday, November 27, 2016


  • This Wednesday, November 30th, is an early release day with dismissal at 1:10
  • December Family Projects are due on or before Friday, December 2nd 
  • Be on the look out for information regarding conference sign up...conferences are December 14th, 15th, and 16th- All early release days
  • A progress report for your child will be given to you at conferences for us to review together
  • Scholastic Holiday Book Orders are due Monday, December 5th
  • A new specials schedule for the 2nd marking period will be going home this week
Thanks for visiting The Pre-K Post...come back soon!!! :)

Gobble, Gobble!

I hope everyone had a wonderful and happy Thanksgiving! We had such a nice Thanksgiving Feast with our Pre-K family! We ate a delicious lunch of chicken nuggets, mashed potatoes, corn, rolls and cupcakes. Before we ate, we went around the table and each shared something we were thankful for. It was very sweet! Thanks to all of those who helped and contributed to make our feast possible. We appreciated it! So thankful for these cute little turkeys!!!! Remember....there is ALWAYS something to be thankful for! 

Setting up for our feast!
The kids were SO excited to see this set up after coming back from special! :)

Just LOVE these turkey hats!


SO cute!
These turkeys are ready to head home!

 Such a fun day! Happy Thanksgiving!
Check out "A Turkey Dance" of our favorites!
Gobble Gobble Gobble!

Fun Runnin'

The Fun Run was a huge success and it sure was FUN! Team Pre-K Rox really ROCKED the Fun Run! Don't let these little legs fool you....Pre-K ran a ton of laps!!!! Every student gave 110% and participated for the entire run. We not only ran our little hearts out, but also practiced good sportsmanship. Ms. Nelly, Mrs. Noel and I also did our best to run and cheer out little runners along, while keeping an eye on the class (and trying to snap a few pictures, as well)! I'm sure your mini athlete slept well that night! I sure did! ;) Thanks to those of you who came to volunteer and cheer us on and for those of you who could not make it....enjoy a few pics below!
Pep talk before our big run!
Snapped a quick picture with my nephew, Mikey, in K!
Getting ready!!!

My niece, Maggie, even came to cheer us on!

Thumbs up and a water break for Stevie!

We did it!!! 
 So happy to be a part of such a great experience! Proud of team Pre-K Rox!!!
Thanks for visiting The Pre-K Post and for participating in our fundraiser!
