
Sunday, November 1, 2015

Pre-K Pumpkin Investigation

We started our pumpkin unit with a "mystery box" and ended it with a pumpkin investigation! We talked about the word "investigation" and pretended we were scientists for this activity! After ready many different pumpkin books, looking at charts and watching videos,  we were ready for the investigation...
First, we decided as a class how we should carve our pumpkin (see above).
Then, we learned about the different parts of a pumpkin.

Time to cut open the pumpkin and begin the investigation!

Adam and Aden scooping out some seeds and pulp!
Next up...Ashley and Carmelo!
Christian and Ellie thought it felt slimy!

Hasnain and Jasmine thought it felt sticky!
Scientists Jaylah and Klaudia!
Melvin and Mariam thought the pulp looked like spaghetti! 

Michael's turn!
Tyler and Stella thought it felt cold!

Scientists Rosie and Whitney waited very patiently!

We counted 26 lines on the outside and learned that a line on the outside means a row of seeds on the inside...who knew?! 


Our happy Jack-O-Lantern!
That's a wrap for our Pre-K Pumpkin Investiagation!!!
Thanks for visiting the Pre-K Post!

Some jack-o-lanterns we made following only a few rules:
1. draw a circle
2. cut the circle
3. add 2 eyes (using any materials)
4. add 1 nose (using any materials)
5.  add a mouth (using any materials)
6. add a green stem (using any materials)
Love Love how these unique pumpkins!

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