
Sunday, October 4, 2015

Teacher's Helper is in effect!

Last week in Pre-K, we started the very important job of the "Teacher's Helper". The Teacher's Helper has quite a few responsibilities for the day! The helper is in charge of leading morning meeting and taking care of "jobs" such as attendance, calendar, weather, counting the days of school, and line leader, just to name a few. The helper also gets to sit in a special chair on the rug. The Teacher's Helper changes daily and goes in alphabetical order by first name. It's great to see each student take such pride in their responsibilities for the day! A huge thank you last week's Teacher's Helpers, Adam, Adan, Ashley, Carmelo and Christian....they nailed it! :)
 Adam counting the days of school

 Aden leading the line
 Meteorologist, Christian, checking out the weather
 Carmelo taking attendance
Ashley pointing to the days of the week

Stay tuned for our next Teacher's Helpers!!!

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