
Tuesday, October 27, 2015

???Mystery Box???

When a mysterious box appeared in our classroom, we had to ask questions and use our senses to try and figure out what was in the box!

Some of the questions asked were "Is it heavy?", "Does it make noise?", and "What color is it?" 
We even tried to see if it had any smell. Some of us even tried to lift the box and shake it. 
After a lot of asking questions and guessing what this mystery object could be, we couldn't wait and longer and decided to open the box....
Any guesses?!?
A big, heavy, round, orange PUMPKIN!!!!
What a fun and engaging way to introduce our unit on pumpkins! 
The crowd went wild!!!! :)

Putting pumpkins in size order

feeling the pumpkin

smelling the pumpkin
checking out the smaller pumpkins
It feels cold!

Trying to lift the pumpkin!
Using our's heavy!

Pumpkin Poem!
We read this poem together and point to each word. When we are done reading, we match each picture to the words (and like to make faces to go along with each emotion!).
Try reading this poem together at home! (Hey, that rhymes! I almost forgot, we discuss the rhyming words, too!) ;)

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