
Wednesday, March 30, 2016

What's the weather? What's the weather? What's the weather, everyone?

Although we have been learning about weather all year as one of our "Teacher's Helper" daily jobs, we are now taking a deeper look into Meteorology! These mini meteorologists are reading weather books, poems, looking at forecasts, graphing, learning about thermometers AND keeping weather journals for the week! Check it out below!
Our weather poem and a couple of our weather books!
Graphing the weather
We checked the weather report and first recorded it together as a class on the Promethean Board! The words match our pictures. The kids even tried to write the temperature and weather word on their own!
Back to our seats to record the weather in our journals! We love learning about the different types of weather and how the weather changes each season!

What's your weather prediction for the rest of the week?!

Pre-K's forecast looks bright and sunny! :)

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