
Saturday, March 19, 2016

Top o' the mornin' to ya!

We were shamROCKIN' and rollin' on St. Patrick's Day here in Pre-K! It was such a fun and eventful day! We made some leprechaun hats, talked about Ireland and even found it on a map. We listened to Irish music and bagpipes and watched some exciting Irish Step Dancing. We weren't afraid to try out some Irish dancing ourselves and couldn't stop giggling! After lunch, a mischievous little leprechaun visited our room and caused some trouble! He made a mess with books, knocked over chairs, left some little green footprints, a poem, gold coins and cupcakes! This silly little leprechaun even left his little green shoe behind hanging on our clothesline! If you don't believe it, see for yourself....

Pre-K is LUCKY!!!
Uh-Oh! After lunch, we came back to a locked door, a book under the door and little green footprints....
So confused and waiting to go inside!
Oh no! Looks like a leprechaun was here!!!!
Gold coins everywhere!!!!
A note from the leprechaun on the Promethean Board!
And a poem! (With little green footprints!)

Looking for the little green shoe left behind as was mentioned in the leprechaun's note!
Found it!!!
Obviously near the shamrocks and rainbows!
Forgot to mention....the leprechaun left mustaches!!! (Must be a very funny leprechaun!)   ;)



Selfie Stick Fun! (I need more practice in order to fit in everyone! We will just have to try again,,,,,
soon! This is way too much fun!)   :)

A writing activity: "If I caught a leprechaun I would......"
My cute niece and nephew little leprechauns, Maggie and Mikey! 

We hope you enjoyed your day as much as we did! Watch out for those sneaky little leprechauns!!!!
Thanks for visiting the Pre-K Post! Please come back soon!

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