
Sunday, February 28, 2016

Read Across America Day/Pajama Day!

Wednesday, March 2nd is Dr. Seuss's Birthday and Read Across America Day! We are celebrating by inviting all Pre-Kindergarteners to wear their pajamas to school (no slippers please)! We will cozy up with Dr. Seuss books, enjoy a Dr. Seuss snack and have a special guest reader! Although we will be celebrating Read Across America Day, please remember it's important (and fun!) to read to your child every day!!! 

The March Family "Favorite Book" Project is due on Wednesday, March 2nd. Hope you and your child enjoy reading and working on this project together! 

 Next week, we will be "On The Loose With Dr. Seuss"....stay tuned! 

*For students who are receiving a charm, the Character Assembly was rescheduled till Monday, February 29th at 9:15. Hope to see you there!*

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