
Sunday, February 21, 2016

Last Week...

We got right back into the swing of things after our mini break! Each student shared with the class something they did over break (we do this on Mondays, as well) and it sounded like everyone had a wonderful time! Then, Pre-K learned about President's Day! We read books and read a digital Scholastic Magazine, which also included videos. After learning about George Washington and Abe Lincoln, along with some other presidents, the students made George and Abe portraits using Popsicle sticks. The finished products were amazing!
We had some fun with Rhythm Sticks in the classroom keeping a beat and following directions!
 Some Superheroes in Pre-K!
Batman, Captain America and Spider Man!
 Matching in leopard print!
Some fun on the playground....finally! Yay!!!
All bundled up!
And of course, silly faces!
Thanks to Ellie's mom, Mrs. Tsiropinas, for coming in for a special read aloud! We loved the story and the fun activity to go along with it! If anyone would like to come in and read to the class....please let me know! 
Our class reward system is to receive "snowballs" on a "snowman"! We receive snowballs for working together as a class to try our very best and show good character! We reached our goal of 20 snowballs! Way to go Pre-K! The class will receive a special little treat for reaching our goal. It's time to work our way back up to 20 snowballs again!

So far, letters c, o, a, d, g, m, l, h, t, i, j and k have been introduced. Next up is letter p. 
We are working on recognizing numbers 1-10 (and beyond!), counting up to 10 (and beyond) and identifying shapes. Some of the other skills we are practicing are rhymes, syllables and letter sounds to name a few! 

Wednesday, February 24th is an early release day with dismissal at 1:10. 
Thanks for visiting The Pre-K Post! Please come back again soon!

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