
Sunday, February 28, 2016

Read Across America Day/Pajama Day!

Wednesday, March 2nd is Dr. Seuss's Birthday and Read Across America Day! We are celebrating by inviting all Pre-Kindergarteners to wear their pajamas to school (no slippers please)! We will cozy up with Dr. Seuss books, enjoy a Dr. Seuss snack and have a special guest reader! Although we will be celebrating Read Across America Day, please remember it's important (and fun!) to read to your child every day!!! 

The March Family "Favorite Book" Project is due on Wednesday, March 2nd. Hope you and your child enjoy reading and working on this project together! 

 Next week, we will be "On The Loose With Dr. Seuss"....stay tuned! 

*For students who are receiving a charm, the Character Assembly was rescheduled till Monday, February 29th at 9:15. Hope to see you there!*

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Last Week...

We got right back into the swing of things after our mini break! Each student shared with the class something they did over break (we do this on Mondays, as well) and it sounded like everyone had a wonderful time! Then, Pre-K learned about President's Day! We read books and read a digital Scholastic Magazine, which also included videos. After learning about George Washington and Abe Lincoln, along with some other presidents, the students made George and Abe portraits using Popsicle sticks. The finished products were amazing!
We had some fun with Rhythm Sticks in the classroom keeping a beat and following directions!
 Some Superheroes in Pre-K!
Batman, Captain America and Spider Man!
 Matching in leopard print!
Some fun on the playground....finally! Yay!!!
All bundled up!
And of course, silly faces!
Thanks to Ellie's mom, Mrs. Tsiropinas, for coming in for a special read aloud! We loved the story and the fun activity to go along with it! If anyone would like to come in and read to the class....please let me know! 
Our class reward system is to receive "snowballs" on a "snowman"! We receive snowballs for working together as a class to try our very best and show good character! We reached our goal of 20 snowballs! Way to go Pre-K! The class will receive a special little treat for reaching our goal. It's time to work our way back up to 20 snowballs again!

So far, letters c, o, a, d, g, m, l, h, t, i, j and k have been introduced. Next up is letter p. 
We are working on recognizing numbers 1-10 (and beyond!), counting up to 10 (and beyond) and identifying shapes. Some of the other skills we are practicing are rhymes, syllables and letter sounds to name a few! 

Wednesday, February 24th is an early release day with dismissal at 1:10. 
Thanks for visiting The Pre-K Post! Please come back again soon!

Monday, February 15, 2016

All You Need is LOVE!

Happy Valentine's Day!!! Thank you again to all of our families who donated materials for some special art projects! Here are a few things we have been working on over the past couple of weeks...
Decorating Valentine's Day "mailboxes"!

Matching LOVE shirts for Mariam and Rosie! 
One of my favorite lessons....
We read the book "Love Monster" by Rachel Bright and created our own unique love monsters! The directions to the students were to cut and glue to create their love monster however they like and they sure succeeded! Then, we each added writing to our monsters with the sentence starter "I love.....". Great job Pre-K! You are welcome to check out this bulletin board right outside of our classroom. 
"I Love You To Pieces" artwork (upside down)! I hope you enjoyed these! <3
(Lots of cutting practice here!)
GoNoodle "brain break" - "My Racing Heart"
A class favorite that you will, for sure, find yourself singing throughout the day!
Working hard on valentines for our classmates. Each student picked a name from a "hat" and made a valentine for that friend. The students were super excited to do this and took it very seriously! 
Handing out valentines! We practiced waiting patiently and using good manners! 

Cutest Love Bugs Around! (Note: I did not ask any of the students to put their arms around each other or hold hands! They were really feeling the love. How cute!)

Happy Valentine's Day! Thanks to all who contributed to help make our day a success! 
Hope you are enjoying the time off. See you on Wednesday, February 17th to get back to business! 
We love you! xoxo

Happy 100 Days of School!!!

We did it....we are officially 100 days smarter in Pre-K! Kiss your brain...muahhh! Check out the pics below to see what our fun filled day had in store for us.
 So proud of my Pre-Kindergarteners! 

More 100 Day Family Projects! Thanks for participating!

The night before the 100th Day of School! Some 100 day prepping....
Party hats are ready to go! Thanks, Ms. Nelly! 
Fun banner ready to go!
100 Day projects on display!

100 Day sign, 100 Day books and 100 exercises ready!
Can't wait for the kids tomorrow...

Happy faces, Happy 100th Day!!!!

Here's the whole gang....ready to celebrate!!!

Mrs. Evanko even joined us for a picture! 

100th Day snack!
Now for our 100th Day Centers! We had 5 centers and rotated through all of them!
Building with 100 block on each of our trays!

Forming the number 100 with Play-Doh!
100 Day Writing! "If I had $100 I would buy......"
Making individual "gumball machines" with 100 "gumballs"! (using dot paint and a 100 number grid) 
Building together with 100 cups!

100 "gumballs" for the 100th Day of School!!! Every day during math, we add a "gumball" to count the number of days in school. 

Check out our colorful gumball machines!
Pre-K and Miss Tenk's K class 100 Day projects!

We definitely had a blast celebrating this special day together! We also did (at least) 100 exercises for "brain breaks" throughout the day! The 100 exercise checklist was sent home. Thanks for celebrating with us! We sure know how to have a good time (while learning lots)! Now onto Valentine's Day! <3