
Sunday, December 13, 2015

Happy Hanukkah!

 Pre-K has been learning about some of the Hanukkah traditions such as lighting the Menorah, playing the dreidel game and making latkes! We've been learning about these traditions through songs, poems, books and a special guest visitor!

Handprint Menorahs!

A huge THANK YOU to Whitney's grandma for reading us a Hanukkah story and teaching us how to make potato pancakes! 
We each had a turn grating potatoes and mixing!
Almost ready!
Ready to eat with a little bit of applesauce and they are delicious!!!!! Mmmmm!!!!
Thanks again! What a fun and yummy experience! More please! :)
Check out our dreidels! Some pretty cool, unique artwork using watercolor and dot paint! 
Happy Hanukkah!

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