
Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Day 5: Pajama Day!

 Day 5: Pajama Day and Dr. Seuss' Birthday!
What a "Suess"-essful week with "On the Loose with Dr. Seuss!"
Thanks to everyone for participating!!!
We learned (and read) a ton and had so much fun! (Hey...that rhymes!) :)

 Love this bulletin board! Check it out before we fly away! 

 Pre-K in PJs!

 Yum Yum...thank you Jai! 
 We all got to choose a book to take home for Dr. Seuss' birthday! 
 Guest reader...Dr. B! 

 Pajama Graph Math

 We made these hats ourselves!

Remember it is important (and fun) to read to your child every day!!!!!
Some tips while reading that we have been working on...
Point out where the title is, the cover of the book, the back of the book, the spine of the book, talk about the author and illustrator, characters, also where you begin reading the story! While reading the story discuss what is happening in the pictures and recognizing familiar letters and words and 
even words that rhyme.
All of these skills will be SO helpful going into Kindergarten!

Thank you for coming along for the ride with "On the Loose with Dr. Seuss!"
 Image result for dr seuss quotes

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