
Saturday, April 22, 2017

Important Dates and Reminders!

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May is a BUSY month!!!!
Here we go....
  • Our Eric Carle Performance is on Tuesday, May 2nd at 10:00! You should have received a save the date and invitation in your child's folder! A notice already went home with the color shirt your child should wear to school on the day of the play. A reminder will be sent home. Encourage your child to practice at home!  Pre-K will be performing be on time! :)
  • Kindergarten Orientation is on Thursday, May 4th at 9:15. Orientation is for parents AND incoming Kindergarteners. Hope you can make it to hear important Kindergarten information! Students will come to class after orientation. 
  • Notices were sent home about Kindergarten Registration. Even though your child is a Roxbury student, you still need to register your child for Kindergarten. Registration is done online. Please let me know if you have any questions!
  • Our Mother's Day Tea Party is on Friday, May 12th from 10:00-10:45! You should have received an invitation in your child's folder. Please RSVP by Friday, May 5th. No siblings please...thank you! :)
Please let me know if you have any questions!
Thank you!

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