
Saturday, April 22, 2017

Important Dates and Reminders!

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May is a BUSY month!!!!
Here we go....
  • Our Eric Carle Performance is on Tuesday, May 2nd at 10:00! You should have received a save the date and invitation in your child's folder! A notice already went home with the color shirt your child should wear to school on the day of the play. A reminder will be sent home. Encourage your child to practice at home!  Pre-K will be performing be on time! :)
  • Kindergarten Orientation is on Thursday, May 4th at 9:15. Orientation is for parents AND incoming Kindergarteners. Hope you can make it to hear important Kindergarten information! Students will come to class after orientation. 
  • Notices were sent home about Kindergarten Registration. Even though your child is a Roxbury student, you still need to register your child for Kindergarten. Registration is done online. Please let me know if you have any questions!
  • Our Mother's Day Tea Party is on Friday, May 12th from 10:00-10:45! You should have received an invitation in your child's folder. Please RSVP by Friday, May 5th. No siblings please...thank you! :)
Please let me know if you have any questions!
Thank you!

Every Day is Earth Day!

We LOVE our Earth!
And I LOVE our  Family Projects!!!
Thank you for participating!

In "The 3 R's" song Jack Johnson teaches us the importance of the 3 R's....
If you're going to the market to buy some juice
You've got to bring your own bags and you learn to reduce your waste
And if your brother or your sister's got some cool clothes
You could try them on before you buy some more of those
Reuse, we've got to learn to reuse
And if the first two R's don't work out
And if you've got to make some trash
Don't throw it out
Recycle, we've got to learn to recycle,
We've got to learn to
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Pre-K has been learning ways to help protect our Earth through books, Scholastic magazines and songs. Be sure to check in again soon to see us get creative using recyclables in room 204's very own "Recycling Center". Click on the link below to hear Jack Johnson's catchy tune "The 3 R's". Remember to REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE! 

Click HERE to hear Jack Johnson's Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

As we've been learning about Earth Day... we asked the Pre-K families to help us out by sending in some clean and dry recyclables! We will be doing some hands on learning by starting our own "recycling center" where we will sort recyclables and reuse them!

Earth Day books and coming up with ways to protect our Earth!
 We reused paper bags to make Earth Day hats!!!


Matthew wrote the alphabet on his Earth Day Hat!!! :)

 All Smiles! :)

 Matthew and Valeria showing off their Earth Day Family Projects!
Thanks for visiting The Pre-K Post!
Please come back soon and remember...
If we take care of the Earth, the Earth will take care of us!
Happy Earth Day!!!

Character Assembly Fun!

We had another exciting pep rally to celebrate our student's success!
 Cheering on our friends!
 Let's Go Roxbury!

Our own Pre-K Roxbury Roxstars!
Way to go Nojah, Valeria, Suhaib and Stevie for receiving Fairness Awards!

Demir received an attendance award!

Keep up the great work Pre-K!!!!
Thanks to Ms. Nadro for another fun Pep Rally....
Let's go Roxbury!!!!

Friday, April 7, 2017

Important Dates....

By now, you should have received some important "Save the Dates" in your child's take home folder! 

  • Tuesday, May 2nd- Pre-K and Kindergarten Eric Carle performance at 10:00 am at Roxbury School. Starring Pre-K in "Does a Kangaroo Have a Mother, Too?" We have already been practicing! Please encourage your child to practice his/her line at home! This is a show you do not want to miss! 

  • Thursday, May 4th- Incoming Kindergarten Orientation ( for the 2017-2018 school year) at 9:15 at Roxbury School. Meet the K teachers and learn some important Kindergarten information!
    **Although your child is already a student at Roxbury School, 
you will still need to register your child for Kindergarten…more information to come!** 

Pre-K raises money!

Way to go Pre-K! In the last couple of weeks....Pre-K raised $60.96 for Pennies for Patients and $17 for St. Jude's Children's Hospital! That's a total of (drum roll please.....) $77.96!!!  What a great lesson to learn at such a young age of donating to people in need.

Looking as cute as can be in our hats!!!

So proud of my students for their support in our fundraising!!!! 

No school April 10th-14th! 
Have a wonderful break!

Sunday, April 2, 2017


  • April Family "Earth Day" Project Due Monday, April 3rd
  • Character Assembly Wednesday, April 5th at 1:30
  • No School April 10th-14th
Loving these Earth Day Family Projects!!!
 Can't wait to see more!

Thanks for donating to our classroom to help restock our supplies!!!

Always having fun while learning in Pre-K!

Some learning stations....
Sensory Table filled with pasta, shapes and numbers!

Up in the "House" building with bristle blocks

Name writing practicing using dry erase boards and markers!

Name writing is a great activity to practice at home to prepare for Kindergarten!

Alphabet bingo!

Learned the letter "P" for piggy!
So far these letters/letter sounds have been introduced...
c, o, a, g, d, m, l, h, t, i, j, k, p, u, b, r
next up....
f, n, e
Practice at home through fun games and activities!
Don't forget numbers, too!

 Working together to build some cool structures!
LOVE the Magna-Tiles!

This is a "hospital" that took a lot of hard work to make!
 We got some new apps on our iPads! :)

Don't forget to log into
Teacher Username: kbarford1
Each student finds his/her own name
Password: each students has his/her own icon password

Kids a-z is also used in Kindergarten and years to come! 
Learning some SIGHT WORDS (wow!) with help from Mrs. Evanko!!!!

 "I" and "the" are the fist sight words we have been practicing!
And learning how to tap our each letter on our arm T-H-E then sliding down our arm to say the whole word "THE"

Ask your child to show you at home!

Thanks for visiting The Pre-K Post!
Please come back soon! 

What's the weather? What's the weather? What's the weather, everyone?

Although we have been learning about weather all year as one of our "Teacher's Helper" daily jobs, we are now taking a deeper look into Meteorology! These mini meteorologists are reading weather books, poems, looking at forecasts, graphing, learning about thermometers AND keeping weather journals for the week! Check it out below!

Our weather poem and books (fiction and non-fiction)!

First making our weather journal together on the Promethean Board (we recorded the weather every day for one week)....

Then, going back to our seats to complete our own weather journals!
Making sure the pictures and colors are accurate!

 Check out our weather pictures (displayed outside of our classroom)! Each student chose one type of weather, then created that weather using construction paper, scissors and glue...
 Even trying to write the weather word!

We loved learning about the weather! 
Now bring on the warmer temperatures!!!

Each month, we learn a different weather song. Click below to hear two of our many favorites!

Happy Birthday, Xander!

Wishing you the best birthday ever!!!
 Thank you for the delicious donuts...yum!!!
Pre-K :)

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

We were shamROCKIN' and rollin' on St. Patrick's Day here in Pre-K! It was such a fun and eventful day! We made some leprechaun hats, read books, talked about Ireland and even found it on a map. We listened to Irish music and bagpipes and watched some exciting Irish Step Dancing. We weren't afraid to try out some Irish dancing ourselves and couldn't stop giggling! After lunch, a mischievous little leprechaun visited our room and caused some trouble! He made a mess with books, knocked over chairs, left some little green footprints, a poem, gold coins and cookies! This silly little leprechaun even left his little green shoe behind hanging on our clothesline! If you don't believe it, see for yourself...
Pre-K is LUCKY!!!!
After decorating our shamrocks, each student told me why they were so lucky!

Using watercolor to paint rainbows around magic shamrocks...

Cutest little leprechauns around!!!!

We came back from lunch and....UH OH!!!!!
A mischievous little leprechaun got loose in our room, causing some trouble!!!! 
Messing up our room....
Leaving treats and footprints around!
Even a poem on our Promethean Board!

And leaving his little green shoe behind!!!!

We couldn't wait to get into our classroom and see what the sneaky little leprechaun did to our room!

Cleaning up the mess!!!

This is a day we definitely won't forget!
Pre-K is SO very lucky!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Your Wee Little Leprechauns!