
Sunday, October 23, 2016

What has 8 legs, fangs, 2 body parts and is NOT an insect?!

A SPIDER!!! We are pretty much spider experts in room 204! We have read fiction and non-fiction spider books, looked at spider photographs, listed spider facts, made spiders, read poems, sang songs and may have even found a spider or two on the playground!!! Are you afraid of spiders????
Drew our own spiders and graphed them!
Do you know that spiders can be black, brown, red, green yellow or orange?
It was very close, but more kids in Pre-K are afraid of spiders! EEK!
Silly Willy Spider (rhyming) Poem with student names.....taking turns reading the poem and pointing to words!

Making our very own spiders! (Finished products to come!)
Check Pre-K's favorite spider song, "Spider on the Floor" by Raffi (click below)

Hope you have some fun!
Be on the look out for more creepy crawlers in Pre-K! 

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