
Sunday, October 30, 2016


The Halloween parade will take place on Monday at 2:00 inside Roxbury. Parents are invited to view the parade in the cafeteria or the auditorium.
If you signed up to send something in for the Halloween Celebration, please send it to school with your child or drop it off before 11:00. 

Please DO NOT send your child to school in their costume. Have your child bring their costume to school, and we will change after lunch. 

Looking forward to seeing you at the parade...don't forget your camera! :)

Stay tuned for all things pumpkin and Halloween....BOO! 

Sneak Peek of the cutest picture EVER and our pumpkin, Spooky (named by Pre-K),
 we investigated and carved!
Sooooo much fun! :)

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

Just because we look so cute in our rain jackets and hoods!!! 
Lining up to go home...
What a busy day!

Exciting News!

Last week, we began to formally introduce letters starting with the letter Cc! We discussed the letter c and learned that there are uppercase and lowercase letters, that letters make sounds, how to form letters and what words begin with the letter C! We follow the Orton-Gillingham approach using fun, interactive lessons and the next letter up is.... Oo!

Pre-K kicked off learning about letters by going on a letter hunt using our "magnifying glasses"!
We had to understand what a letter was before leaning about them!
We are very lucky to have reading teacher, Mrs. Evanko, help us to learn our letters!
Everyone got a turn to search for letters in the hallway!

We searched high and low for letters!

Such great letter detectives!
 C is for cookie!
Click on the link below for a special songs from Cookie oldie but goodie ;)

Taking turns identifying the uppercase and lowercase letter "c"on the Promethean Board!
Ask your child about our first letter lesson!
We like to pretend we are detectives and search for the letter c in books, poems, magazines or newspapers. Try it at home! 

Teacher's Helpers!

A shout out to our Teacher's Helpers for the week...Nojah, Stevie, Suhaib, Tyrone and Valeria!
Nojah leading our Morning Meeting!
Stevie leading the calendar!
Teacher Helper, Tyrone!
Suhaib leading our math routines!
Valeria investigating our pumpkin!
Thanks so much for all of your hard work teacher's helpers!!! Could not have done it without you!!!
Please come back to visit The Pre-K Post soon!

Dem Bones, Dem Bones, Dem Dancing Bones!

One of our favorite "brain breaks"! Do the Skeleton Dance at home for some family fun!

Doing The Skeleton Dance!

Sunday, October 23, 2016


  • Wednesday, October 26th is an Early Release Day with dismissal at 1:10
  • Halloween Parade is Monday, October 31st at 2:00. All parents are welcome to view the parade and take pictures of your little one
  • Information on Halloween will go home this week

Thank you to everyone who is contributing to our Halloween Celebration!

What has 8 legs, fangs, 2 body parts and is NOT an insect?!

A SPIDER!!! We are pretty much spider experts in room 204! We have read fiction and non-fiction spider books, looked at spider photographs, listed spider facts, made spiders, read poems, sang songs and may have even found a spider or two on the playground!!! Are you afraid of spiders????
Drew our own spiders and graphed them!
Do you know that spiders can be black, brown, red, green yellow or orange?
It was very close, but more kids in Pre-K are afraid of spiders! EEK!
Silly Willy Spider (rhyming) Poem with student names.....taking turns reading the poem and pointing to words!

Making our very own spiders! (Finished products to come!)
Check Pre-K's favorite spider song, "Spider on the Floor" by Raffi (click below)

Hope you have some fun!
Be on the look out for more creepy crawlers in Pre-K! 

Thank you, Teacher's Helpers!

This week, a few of our Teacher's Helpers, Matthew, Rodrigo and Sloane took charge in getting some very important jobs done! Thank you for your help....I could not have have it without you! ;)
Matthew telling us the date!
Our Line Leader, Rodrigo!
Sloane reading the Morning Message during Morning Meeting!

More Teacher's Helper pics to come! Keep up the great work, Pre-K! :)

Happy Birthday, Demir!

Thank you for the delicious cupcakes! We hope you have the best year!
xoxo Pre-K :)

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Teacher's Helper is in effect!

Last week in Pre-K, we started the very important job of the "Teacher's Helper". The Teacher's Helper has quite a few responsibilities for the day! The helper is in charge of leading morning meeting and taking care of "jobs" such as attendance, calendar, weather, counting the days of school, and line leader, just to name a few. The helper also gets to sit in a special chair on the rug. The Teacher's Helper changes daily and goes in alphabetical order by first name. It's great to see each student take such pride in their responsibilities for the day! A huge thank you to a few of our first Teacher's Helpers....they nailed it! :)

Abi sitting in the special teacher's helper chair!
Demir adding a "gumball" to our "gumball machine" to count the days of school!
Emma counting the attendance!

Stay tuned for more teacher helper pictures!
Thanks for visiting The Pre-K Post...
Come back soon! :)


  • Say Cheese....Tuesday, October 18th is Picture Day! 
  • Be on the lookout for information on Halloween!
  • This month, we are focusing on the CARING Character Trait! Talk to your child at home about what they could do to be a caring friend.
  • We have been learning about Fire to come! 

Monday, October 10, 2016

Happy Birthday, Nojah!

We hope all of your wishes come true this year!
Love, Pre-K :)

Apples Galore!

Pre-K LOVES apples! We had so much fun exploring apples! We read and listened to fiction and non-fiction stories, read apple poems, counted apples, made apples and taste tested apples! Check it out below....
Some of our apple books and learning about the lfe cycle of an apple!
Cutting and matching to put together our apple name puzzles!

Apple name puzzle finished products! We even made sure to include all of the parts of an apple!

Watching a life cycle of an apple on Scholastic....
Reading about apples in Scholastic Magazine!
5 Little Apples Poem
Counting as we add the 5 little apples to the tree!

Making our fingers stronger (to get ready for cutting and writing) by tearing paper....
and gluing...

to create our own red, green or yellow apple with the skin, stem and leaf!

We read "Ten Apples Up On Top" by Dr. Seuss and tried to build our own 10 apples up on top!

We almost did it!
A yummy "apple pie" treat (thanks Ms. Tenk and Mrs. D!) made with cut up apples and cinnamon,crumbled graham crackers and whipped cream...DELISH!  

We were scientists and used our senses for an apple taste test! We tested red delicious, granny smith and yellow delicious.
Pre-K really enjoyed these yummy apples! 
Do you see the star inside?
Learning about the different apple parts!

and now for the taste test....

Each student decided on their favorite apple and colored an apple accordingly!

Our "Which Apple Did You Like The Best?" Chart

Each student voted and we counted each column....
Granny Smith for the win!!!
To end our apple unit....we made apple prints by cutting apples in half and took turns stamping with paint!
What a cool activity!

We had so much fun with apples and, of course, learned a lot too!
Ask your child about our apple activities! apple a day keeps the doctor away! :)

Thanks for visiting the Pre-K Post...come back soon!