
Thursday, October 25, 2018

Fire Safety!

This past week, we have been learning all about Fire Safety! We read fiction and non-fiction books, read Scholastic Magazines. sang songs, watched videos and had some very special guests visit Roxbury! Look below to find out! 
Roxbury Fire Department!

We made our own hats!

Learning about the importance of Fire Safety!

Our special visitors....FIREFIGHTERS!

All dressed in his gear!

Firefighters are not scary in their gear! They are here to help keep us safe!

Getting to ask some questions!

We even got to go inside a fire engine!!!
(more pics to come!)

Thank you firefighters for teaching us about fire safety and for all that you do to keep us safe!
We learned a lot and had so much fun! 

Save the Date!

         You are invited to Roxbury’s 
   Halloween parade on 
Wednesday, October 31st
The parade starts at 12:30.
(Upper grades parade begins at 12:00...Pre-K/K to follow)
Please send your child’s Halloween costume in a bag with their name on it.
We will change into our costumes before the parade. Please do not send your child to school in their Halloween costume.
Don’t miss out on the spooky fun!
Hope to see you then!
Image result for happy halloween

Monday, October 22, 2018

Learning how to use the Sensory Table!

 A sensory table is a table full of materials (fall themed...beans, pumpkins, corn, pine cones, cups and scoops at the moment!) that get children to use their senses! Children learn and engage their senses by playing with what is in the table. A sensory table has so many benefits such as developing fine motor skills, developing cognitive skills, developing language skills, developing socially/emotionally, developing creativity, helps kids to relax and is FUN! Before we were able to dive in to the sensory table,  we needed to learn how to play with the materials and learn the rules!

Using our senses!
Over time, we will switch out the materials! 

Really loving the sensory table! 

You can even make a simple sensory table using materials you have at home!
All you need is an empty bin of some sort and then decide what to fill it with!
Some ideas are beans, rice, pasta, water, sand, shredded paper, popcorn kernels...
The possibilities are endless!!!

Thanks for donating supplies to fill our table!

Friday, October 19, 2018

October Family Project!

Thank you for participating in our October Family Project!
We hope you had fun decorating the pumpkin with your family!
These little cuties were SO excited to share their work in class!

Love the creativity! 
Soon it will be time for our November Family Project...
Stay tuned!
Thanks for visiting The Pre-K Post!
Come back soon!
**Be on the lookout for Halloween information!**

Are you Afraid of Spiders?

In Pre-K, we've been reading fiction and non-fiction texts about spiders!
We colored in a spider then placed it on a graph! Next, we counted the spiders!

Most of Pre-K is afraid of spiders (myself included!)
 Did you know that spiders can be black, brown, red, yellow, orange or green?

We are not afraid of spiders!

We are afraid of spiders! 

Happy Singing!

Searching for letters!

We got out our magnifying glasses and searched for letters in our classroom and throughout the halls!
These little detectives found letters everywhere!!!

Such a fun activity to kick off our letter introduction! 
This week, we learned the letter/letter sound "m".
Next week..."f"
Perfect for Fire Safety! 
We have been so busy not only learning about letters, but also about apples and spiders!
After Fire Safety, it's all about Pumpkins!

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Dem Bones!

Dem Bones, Dem Bones, Dem Dancing Bones!

One of our favorite "brain breaks"! Do the Skeleton Dance at home for some family fun!
Doing the Skeleton Dance! :)

PICTURE DAY! October 10, 2018

Smile…Tomorrow is Picture Day! Pre-K will be getting individual and class pictures taken first thing in the morning. Please have your child to school on time by 9:00am or he/she will miss the class picture. We, of course, want all of Pre-K to be in the photo!

Image result for happy face with camera

Sonríe… Mañana es día de fotos! Pre-K recibirá fotos individuales y de clase tomadas a primera hora de la mañana. Por favor, lleve a su hijo/a a la escuela a tiempo antes de las 9:00 am o perderá la fotografía de la clase. Nosotros, por supuesto, queremos que todo Pre-K esté en las foto!

Ten Apples Up On Top!

We read "Ten Apples Up On Top!" by the famous author, Dr. Seuss!  It was so fun hearing all of the silly rhyming words! After reading the story and practicing counting to 10, we tried making our own "apples" up on top by working together and taking turns stacking blocks. If you can believe it...we stacked 10 apples TWICE without them falling! I was pretty impressed! 
"What Do We Know About Apples?"Chart

And that's what we call TEAMWORK! :)
Way to go Pre-K!
Practicing our "5 Little Apples" Poem

Next Up....SPIDERS!!!!

Which Apple Did You Like The Best?

Today, we were scientists and used our senses for an apple taste test! We tested red delicious, granny smith and yellow delicious. Pre-K really enjoyed these yummy apples! These little scientists sorted the apples, discussed the color and size, counted and of course, learned about the parts of an apple. 

Red Delicious, Yellow Delicious and Granny Smith!
I wonder which will be the class favorite?!

Parts of an apple!
We counted the seeds!
Passing around the core!

Now time for some tasting...


Can you see the star?? 

Now coloring in the favorite apple that we tasted for our apple graph...

Which Apple Did You Like The Best?

Our green apple lovers! 

Our red apple lovers!

As you can see on our's red for the win!
Time for everyone to go buy some Red Delicious apples (and Granny Smith)!
Apparently, Golden Delicious was not a favorite, but the kids still really enjoyed them! 

So many fiction and non-fiction apple books!

Fun Apple Poem
Thanks for joining our apple taste test!
Please come back and visit soon!