
Thursday, March 15, 2018

Roxbury's "Mixed Bag Designs" Fundraiser!

Check out the message below regarding Roxbury's Fundraiser! Click on the link below (or use your order form) to order your "Mixed Bag Designs"!  :)

Hi Roxbury Elementary Friends and Family!
I'm hoping you can take a moment to help us raise funds for a great cause. It's a win-win; you order beautiful products & Roxbury Elementary meets their fundraising goal. 
Every order counts and supporting us is easy. Your child was given an envelope with a catalog and order form.  Share it with your network, write down orders and return the envelope with order form and payment (checks made out to R.O.P.E.) to the school. For distant friends and family members they can Click here to shop online. 
Happy Shopping,
Roxbury Elementary

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Mat Man!

"Mat Man" is a song where we use "body parts" to help build a person! We are learning and practicing how to draw a person including a head, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, body, arms, hands, legs and feet. The class has made great progress since "Mat Man" was introduced! We just can't get enough of "Mat Man"! Check out how it's done below! 
 Putting Mat Man together!
 Ta Da! Here is Mat Man!
Unfortunately, the video below if not of our class, but you can see how mat man works!
Ask your child to draw a picture of themselves!


Monday, March 5, 2018

Parent Teacher Conference Reminder!

 Related image               

If you have not signed up for a conference yet, please do so by Friday, March 9th. The Signup Genius link is posted below. Last week, an email was also sent out along with notice sent home.

Conferences will take place Wednesday March 14th, Thursday March 15th, Friday March 16th. All three days will be early release with dismissal beginning at 1:10.

Thank you! Please let me know if you have any questions.
 I look forward to discussing your child's growth with you!

DAY 5: PJ Day and Dr. Seuss' Birthday!

 Day 5: Pajama Day and Dr. Seuss' Birthday!
What a "Suess"-essful week with "On the Loose with Dr. Seuss!"
Thanks to everyone for participating!!!
We learned (and read) a ton and had so much fun! (Hey...that rhymes!) :)

 We made these hats ourselves!

 Dr. B stopped in to Pre-K and read us a couple of Dr. Seuss stories! 
Awesome family projects! We added the cat faces in school! 
Thanks to Ryan's mom for drawing the awesome Cat in the Hat! 
We will definitely save it for years to come!
Come check out our Dr. Seuss bulletin board before we fly away!!!
And of course...William in his PJs!

Remember it is important (and fun) to read to your child every day!!!!!
Some tips while reading that we have been working on...
Point out where the title is, the cover of the book, the back of the book, the spine of the book, talk about the author and illustrator, characters, also where you begin reading the story! While reading the story discuss what is happening in the pictures and recognizing familiar letters and words and 
even words that rhyme.
All of these skills will be SO helpful going into Kindergarten!

Thank you for coming along for the ride with "On the Loose with Dr. Seuss!"
Image result for dr seuss quotes


Pre-K is still going strong on day 4 with "On the Loose with Dr. Seuss!"
Don't we look so adorable in our hats?!
We read "The Cat in the Hat" along with other Dr. Seuss books....

William joined in on the fun too! 
Tomorrow, Pre-K will make our own hats!