
Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Day 3: Wacky Wednesday Sock Parade!

                                           Day 3: Wacky Wednesday/Fox in Socks

                                       Image result for wacky wednesdayImage result for fox in socks
Let the Wacky-ness begin!!!
WACKY Pre-K teachers!!!!

Wacky Mrs. Barford and Wacky Ms. Tenk!

Sock Parade through school!!!

Wacky Pre-K during Sock Parade! 

CRAZY socks!!!

 Wacky Faces!!!!
WACKY Family!!!
My wacky nephew, Mikey, in First Grade! :)

Wacky sisters!!!!
Mommy and Wacky William! <3
Image result for keep calm its wacky wednesday
Way too much FUN for one day?!?! Impossible!!!
See ya tomorrow for Crazy Hat Day!!!

DAY 2: Green Eggs and Ham

Do you like green eggs and ham?
We loved Dr. Seuss' silly rhyming story, "Green Eggs and Ham"!

Image result for green eggs and ham book
More awesome family projects! 

Would you eat green eggs and ham?

Girls in green! 

Boys (and girls) in green! 

3 cheers for everyone wearing GREEN!!!!

Monday, February 26, 2018

DAY 1: One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue FIsh

Day one of On the Loose with Dr. Seuss was a "Seuss-ess"! We read One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish, ate a special fish snack, worked on a math fish craft, graphed and read poems together! I can't wait to see what the rest of the week has in store for us!!! 

Image result for one fish two fish

Did you wear red or blue today?

Graphing the color we wore...
Red AND Blue had the MOST!

Family projects are rolling in!
Look how CREATIVE!
Can't wait to see more!

Red and Blue in Pre-K!

math. literacy and art lesson!

How many fish are in your bowl?

Fun Cat in the Hat poem we practiced reading together!
We talked a lot about rhyming words, too!

Look at all of our Dr. Seuss books!!!!!
We love to read! 
Thanks for joining the fun with "On the Loose with Dr. Seuss!"
Coming up....Day 2, Green Eggs and Ham!!!
Don't forget to wear your GREEN!
Stay tuned.....