
Sunday, March 12, 2017

Just a friendly reminder!

Parent Teacher Conferences will take place this week on Wednesday March 15th, Thursday March 16th, Friday March 17th. All three days will be early release with dismissal beginning at 1:10. A progress report will be given to you at conferences for us to review together. 

Thank you! Please let me know if you have any questions.
 I look forward to discussing your child's growth with you! :)

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Parent Teacher Conference Reminder!

If you have not signed up for a conference yet, please do so by Friday, March 10th. If I do not hear from all parents, I will assign an available time. The signup genius link is posted below. Last week, an email was also sent out along with notice sent home.

Click HERE to sign up for a conference

Conferences will take place Wednesday March 15th, Thursday March 16th, Friday March 17th. All three days will be early release with dismissal beginning at 1:10.

Thank you! Please let me know if you have any questions.
 I look forward to discussing your child's growth with you!

Pajama Day!!!

 Day 5: Pajama Day!
What a "Suess"-essful week with "On the Loose with Dr. Seuss!"
Thanks to everyone for participating!!!
We learned a ton and had so much fun! (Hey...that rhymes!) :)

The whole crew with our hand painted "Cat in the Hat" hats in our PJs!

Learning about the author and illustrator, Dr. Seuss,  on a digital Scholastic Magazine

Watching a "The Cat in the Hat" episode to wrap up our Dr. Seuss week!
Thank you for turning in the March Family Projects! They are all so different and creative!!!
If you did not hand it in yet...there's still time!
The kids LOVE sharing their projects with the class and seeing them displayed in the hallway!          

Remember it is important (and fun) to read to your child every day!!!!!
Some tips while reading that we have been working on...
Point out where the title is, the cover of the book, the back of the book, the spine of the book, talk about the author and illustrator, characters, also where you begin reading the story! While reading the story discuss what is happening in the pictures and recognizing familiar letters and words.
All of these skills will be SO helpful going into Kindergarten!

Thank you for coming along for the ride with "On the Loose with Dr. Seuss!"

Image result for dr seuss quotes

Hat Day!!!

Day 4: Cat in the Hat

Pre-K is still going strong on day 4 with "On the Loose with Dr. Seuss!"
Don't we look so adorable in our hats?!
We read "The Cat in the Hat"....
 Made our own "Cat in the Hat" hats for Friday...

 Dr. Bonasera came in for a surprise visit to read one of his favorite books, "Mister Dog"!

 We are so excited to be wearing our favorite hats!!!

A special "Cat int the Hat" treat made by my sister, Mrs. O'Brien! Aren't these so cute??

Enjoying another special treat for the week!!!

We also sang Happy Birthday to Dr. Seuss to celebrate!!!!!
Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!!!!!

Wacky Wednesday Sock Parade!

Day 3: Wacky Wednesday/Fox in Socks

Ms. Tenk and Mrs. O'Brien got wacky, too!

 Lots of crazy, mismatched socks!!!!
Happy little fox in socks!

Pre-K is WACKY!!!!!

So are Ms. Nelly and Mrs. Barford!!!

Sock Parade with Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade!

Watching the end of the Sock Parade!

My wacky sister and nephew, Mikey in Kindergarten!

What a busy day!
Tomorrow is Hat Day!!!!

Do you like Green Eggs and Ham?

 Day 2: Green Eggs and Ham

We loved Dr. Seuss' silly rhyming story, "Green Eggs and Ham"!

 Girls in green take 1!
Boys in green take 1!
Boys in green take 2!

Girls in green take 2!

Would you eat green eggs and ham?" chart on Promethean Board

The majority of the class WOULD eat green eggs and ham!

Green eggs and ham special treat! 

So much fun with day 2 of "On the Loose with Dr. Seuss!"