
Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Fall is here!

Enjoying the first days of fall by spending lots of time exploring outside! 
Sometimes we pose for pictures....

Say Cheese!!! :)

P is for Pre-K!

A super cute bulletin board you don't want to miss....
come on by to check it out!!!


  • Wednesday, Sept. 28th is an Early Release Day with dismissal at 1:10
  • There is no school Oct. 3-4
  • There is no school Oct. 10 and Oct. 12
  • October Family Project due this week 

The October Family Projects are coming in and we can't get enough of these creative pumpkins!
Looking forward to seeing more, so we can share and display them for all to enjoy!
Thanks for participating!

Sunday, September 18, 2016

National Play-Doh Day!

Who knew there was a National Play-Doh Day?! Good thing we knew it in Pre-K and didn't miss out on the fun! Friday was National Play-Doh Day and we took full advantage of it. Pre-K LOVES Play-Doh....thanks to all who contributed at the beginning of the year!

Play-Doh for everyone!

Thumbs up for Play-Doh! 
Happy Play-Doh Day!

Pre-K Updates....

In Pre-K we have been adjusting to school by working on....routines, listening to directions, following the rules, playing nicely with peers, being respectful to teachers and friends, keeping hands to self, independence, and of course....having FUN FUN FUN! We will continue to work on these valuable lessons, so that we are ready to learn in school. Please help us by talking to your Pre-Kindergartner at home about these important skills. It is my goal to work together to have a successful year so that your child is ready for Kindergarten! Thank you for your support!
Working on our outside bulletin board by decorating the first letter of our name!
Come check it out. You won't be disappointed! :)
Building with Legos!
Pretend Play in the kitchen!
 Pre-K is HAPPY! :)

Painting with Watercolors!

Playground FUN! 
 Off to a great start in Pre-K! 
Thanks for visiting The Pre-K Post...come back soon!

First Day in Pre-K!

All smiles on the first EVER day of school! I'd say this is a WIN! :) 
Introducing our 2016-2017 Pre-K Squad!
This is one cute bunch!
Thanks for visiting....come back soon!

And we're off!!!

Welcome to The Pre-K Post! Here you will find pictures, special activities and celebrations, important dates and information, and what these little scholars have been learning each week! Thanks for visiting! Please be sure to check in a few times each week for updates and some pure Pre-K fun! Enjoy the ride of "A day in the life of a Pre-K ROXstar"!
All SMILES at the end of our first day in Pre-K! :)