
Sunday, December 11, 2016


  • Conferences will take place with week on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. All three days are Early Release Days with dismissal at 1:00!
  • Please be on time for your conference as we are on a schedule. :) Conferences are 15 minutes.
  • Be on the look our for information on our Polar Express/Pajama Day!
  • Friday, December 23rd is an Early Release Day with dismissal at 1:00.
  • If you would like to come in and do a holiday craft or activity with the class, please let me know!
Thank you! :)

Let's Go Roxbury!

Our first Character Assembly and Pep Rally was a success! Thank you to our P.E. teacher, Ms. Nadro, for putting together this FUN assembly! Roxbury is CARING!


 Let's go Roxbury!!!!!
Thanks for visiting the Pre-K Post...please come back soon! 


Reviewing the letters we have learned so far....
c, o, a, d
and practicing writing them in the sand!

Name writing practice with crayons and white boards!

Learning our numbers using play-doh!

our favorite....the sensory table!

Exciting news...the Art Center just opened for business and we LOVE it!
The students can use whatever materials they want at the Art Center to create whatever they want!
The only rule is when were done....the Art Center should look just like it did when we got there! :)
Retelling the story of "The Gingerbread Man" using visuals. 

Using the characters to retell the story....

Using words such as first, then, next, last to sequence "The Gingerbread Man"

Cute Gingerbread poem!

Working together to make some serious block structures! Check these out! This takes patience and hard work.
I think we may have some architects in the making! There are also clipboards with paper and pencils to plan the structures we are working cool!


December Family Projects are in!

Look at these beautiful gingerbread houses on a snowy night displayed outside of our classroom!!!
Thank you for participating! 

Winter is coming!!!

Sunday, December 4, 2016

We LOVE Centers!

It makes me so happy when I hear a student say, "Can we go to centers?" That means we are learning AND having fun!
Math Sorting (by color and shape) Center
Imaginary Play Center with blocks and animals....playing is learning!!!!
Sensory Table Center (one of our favorites!) with beans, pumpkins, mini corn, magnifying glasses, scoopers and cups
Play-Doh Center....strengthening our fine motor skills!
We searched through grocery store flyers and chose food we like to eat on Thanksgiving!
Then, the students cut and glued the chosen food onto a plate! 

 Sometimes when we finish a center early....we "read to self" as shown below! We turn the pages gently, look for letters we know and try to tell the story by looking at the pictures!

SO many books to look at in our Reading Corner! The books are switched out each month to keep the student's interest and to go along with our topics!

Proud of these little scholars! 

December Family Projects!

Thanks for participating in our December Family Project! These Gingerbread Houses are super cute and creative! The kids LOVE sharing them with the class. We can't wait to hang them up for all to enjoy during the month of December!

If you have not, yet, returned your Gingerbread's not too late!
Looking forward to seeing more! :)
Thanks for visiting The Pre-K Post....
please come back soon!

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Happy Birthday, Rodrigo!

We had a great time at Rodrigo's Birthday Celebration! Thank you for all of the yummy treats!
We hope you have the best year ever! xoxo Pre-K

Happy Birthday Rodrigo!

Sunday, November 27, 2016


  • This Wednesday, November 30th, is an early release day with dismissal at 1:10
  • December Family Projects are due on or before Friday, December 2nd 
  • Be on the look out for information regarding conference sign up...conferences are December 14th, 15th, and 16th- All early release days
  • A progress report for your child will be given to you at conferences for us to review together
  • Scholastic Holiday Book Orders are due Monday, December 5th
  • A new specials schedule for the 2nd marking period will be going home this week
Thanks for visiting The Pre-K Post...come back soon!!! :)

Gobble, Gobble!

I hope everyone had a wonderful and happy Thanksgiving! We had such a nice Thanksgiving Feast with our Pre-K family! We ate a delicious lunch of chicken nuggets, mashed potatoes, corn, rolls and cupcakes. Before we ate, we went around the table and each shared something we were thankful for. It was very sweet! Thanks to all of those who helped and contributed to make our feast possible. We appreciated it! So thankful for these cute little turkeys!!!! Remember....there is ALWAYS something to be thankful for! 

Setting up for our feast!
The kids were SO excited to see this set up after coming back from special! :)

Just LOVE these turkey hats!


SO cute!
These turkeys are ready to head home!

 Such a fun day! Happy Thanksgiving!
Check out "A Turkey Dance" of our favorites!
Gobble Gobble Gobble!